I become a party.

On 11/21/17, ATMunn <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oops, report, not repor.
> If the below action of claiming a reward failed, I claim a reward of 5
> shinies for my recent ADoP *report*.
> On 11/21/2017 9:34 AM, ATMunn wrote:
>> I become a party to the ACU, and destroy my 40 bills, causing the contract
>> to transfer me 4 shinies.
>> I transfer 4 shinies to Agora.
>> I claim a reward of 5 shinies for my recent ADoP repor (just in time!)
>> I now have a free stamp. :) (see my reply on the Treasuror's report)
>> On 11/21/2017 5:03 AM, Owen Jacobson wrote:
>>> I need a sanity check, but I think all of these actions work.
>>> I pay Agora 1 sh. to create a contract titled “The Agoran Credit Union”,
>>> with the text:
>>> {
>>>      Any player CAN become a party to this contract by announcement. Any
>>> party
>>>      other than the Chair CAN cease to be a party (syn. leave the
>>> Institute) by
>>>      announcement.
>>>      If o is a party to this contract, e is the Chair. Any party CAN
>>> amend the
>>>      contract by announcement to remove this paragraph.
>>>      The Chair CAN nominate any party as the new Chair by announcement. A
>>> party
>>>      to this contract CAN nominate any party to this contract as the new
>>> Chair
>>>      with 2 support from parties to this contract, other than the
>>> nominee. In
>>>      either case, the most-recently nominated party CAN become the Chair
>>> by
>>>      announcement. A player who ceases to be a party to this contract
>>> loses eir
>>>      nomination.
>>>      The Chair CAN, at any time, amend or destroy this contract without
>>> 2
>>>      objections from parties to this contract.
>>>      This contract is willing to accept Shinies.
>>>      Bills are a private, liquid, indestructibe currency. The Chair is
>>> the
>>>      Recordkeepor of Bills. The Chair CAN cause Agora to transfer Bills
>>> it owns
>>>      to this contract by announcement, and SHALL do so in a timely
>>> fashion when
>>>      Agora owns any Bills.
>>>      This contract is willing to accept Bills.
>>>      Any party to this contract CAN pay this contract any number of
>>> Shinies to
>>>      create ten times that number of Bills in eir possession.
>>>      Any party to this contract CAN cause this contract to pay emself any
>>> number
>>>      of Shinies by destroying ten times that number of Bills in eir
>>> possession.
>>>      The Chair CAN, by announcement, create and destroy Bills in this
>>> contract's
>>>      possession. The Chair MUST NOT create Bills in this manner if doing
>>> so
>>>      would cause more than a number of Bills equal to fifteen times the
>>> number
>>>      of Shinies owned by this contract to exist, and MUST, in a timely
>>> fashion,
>>>      destroy Bills owned by this contract if more than that number of
>>> Bills exist.
>>>      The Chair CAN, by announcement, cause this contract to transfer
>>> Bills it
>>>      owns to any party. The Chair SHALL NOT use this ability other than
>>> to
>>>      extend loans to this contract's parties.
>>>      The Chair SHALL, in a timely fashion after they become the Chair,
>>> publish a
>>>      fiscal policy document describing how they will manage the supply of
>>> Bills.
>>> }
>>> If I am not already a party to this contract, I become one, and am
>>> immediately appointed Chair.
>>> I amend the contract to remove the paragraph
>>> {
>>>      If o is a party to this contract, e is the Chair. Any party CAN
>>> amend the
>>>      contract by announcement to remove this paragraph.
>>> }
>>> As Chair of The Agoran Credit Union, I publish the following policy
>>> document:
>>> {
>>>      Bills are meant to be a gently inflationary medium of exchange, and
>>> a
>>>      carrot to use to get people to take Shinies out of circulation and
>>> put them
>>>      in the bank. With the members' consent, I hope to define systems for
>>> the
>>>      bank to invest and recoup those Shinies, but even if that fails,
>>> dividing
>>>      every Shiny into ten Bills while providing a reliable way to convert
>>> them
>>>      back into Shinies as needed may help loosen the interpersonal
>>> economy a bit.
>>>      As Chair, I will cause The Agoran Credit Union to extend a loan, on
>>>      request, to any party who has no outstanding loans, up to an amount
>>> of
>>>      Bills equal to the net number of Shinies that player has deposited
>>> with the
>>>      Credit Union. (This implies that the excess fraction of Bills is
>>> capped at
>>>      10%.) Loans SHALL be repayable within three months, repayable early
>>> without
>>>      penalty, and extendable up to an additional three months at the
>>> discretion of
>>>      the Chair.
>>> }
>>> I pay The Agoran Credit Union 64 Shinies to create 640 Bills in my
>>> possession.
>>> I pay each player other than myself 40 Bills. Please enjoy this token
>>> gift of 4 sh. worth of a more granular currency.
>>> -o

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