I thought I did this, but if I didn't, or it self-ratified that I didn't:

On behalf of o, I have o transfer eir land unit to me.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2018, Reuben Staley wrote:
> ========================================================================
> Previous:   Jun 1, 2018
> Revision 0: Jun 11, 2018
> View an interactive version of this report here:
> https://agoranomic.org/Cartographor/int/2018-06-11.html
> ========================================================================
>        LONGITUDE               LONGITUDE               LONGITUDE
>    - 6543210123456 +       - 6543210123456 +       - 6543210123456 +
>   -                 -     -                 -     -                 -
>   6  wwwwwwwbbbbbb  6     6  :::::::::::::  6     6  :::::::::::::  6
>   5  w.....w.....b  5     5  :.....:.....:  5     5  :.....:.....:  5
>   4  w.....w.....b  4     4  :.....:.....:  4     4  :.....:.....:  4
>   3  w.....w.....b  3  L  3  :.....:.....:  3  L  3  :.....:.....:  3
>   2  w.....w.....b  2  A  2  :.....:.....:  2  A  2  :.....:.....:  2
>   1  w...wwwbb...b  1  T  1  :...a###K...:  1  T  1  :...:1:2:...:  1
>   0  w...wwgbb...b  0  I  0  :...T###C...:  0  I  0  :...::::6...:  0
>   1  w..wwwbbbw..b  1  T  1  :..QC###AM..:  1  T  1  :..::3:4:5..:  1
>   2  w...wbbbb...b  2  U  2  :...CoGCC...:  2  U  2  :...:::87...:  2
>   3  w...bbbb....b  3  D  3  :...:GG:....:  3  D  3  :...::::....:  3
>   4  w....bb.....b  4  E  4  :....:T.....:  4  E  4  :....::.....:  4
>   5  w.....b.....b  5     5  :.....:.....:  5     5  :.....:.....:  5
>   6  wwwwwwbbbbbbb  6     6  :::::::::::::  6     6  :::::::::::::  6
>   +                 +     +                 +     +                 +
>    - 6543210123456 +       - 6543210123456 +       - 6543210123456 +
>       LAND  TYPE               OWNERSHIP               FACILITIES
>    -----------------       -----------------        -----------------
>    aether        (.)       Agora                    Aether        (.)
>    white         (w)         Aether      (.)        Non-Aether    (:)
>    black         (b)         Non-Aether  (:)
>    gray          (g)         Preserved   (#)        See next section
>                            Gaelan        (a)        for key
>                            Kenyon        (K)
>                            Trigon        (T) 
>                            Corona        (C)
>                            Aris          (A)
>                            ATMunn        (M)
>                            G.            (G)
>                            o             (o)
> ========================================================================
> ID   Land Unit   Description
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> 1    (-1, -1)    Preserved Rank 1 Mine
> 2    (-1, +1)    Preserved Rank 1 Orchard
> 3    (+1, -1)    Preserved Rank 1 Farm
> 4    (+1, +1)    Preserved Rank 1 Mine
> 5    (+1, +3)    Rank 1 Farm, owned by ATMunn
> 6    ( 0, +2)    Rank 2 Refinery, owned by Corona
> 7    (+2, +2)    Rank 2 Mine, owned by Corona
> 8    (+2, +1),   Rank 2 Orchard, owned by Corona
> ========================================================================
> Entity        Last report   This Report
> ----------------------------------------
> omd           ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
> o             (+4, +6)      (-6, +2)
> Aris          (-1, -1)      (-1, -1)
> DFF[1]        ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
> Quazie        (-1, -2)      (+1, -1)
> P.S.S.[2]     ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
> Gaelan        (-1, -1)      (-1, -1)
> G.            (+3, -1)      (+3, -1)
> Cuddle Beam   (-1, -1)      (-1, -1)
> Trigon        (+1, +1)      (+1, +1)
> Telnaior      ( 0,  0)      (+6, -1)
> Corona        ( 0, +2)      (+2, -1)
> pokes         ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
> Murphy        ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
> VJ Rada       ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
> Kenyon        (-1, +1)      (-1, +1)
> ATMunn        (-1, +3)      (+1, +3)
> Ouri          ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
> twg           ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
> Q*Bert        ( 0,  0)      (+2, -1)
> [1]: In Full, 天火狐
> [2]: In Full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> ========================================================================
> The alternating land type has been switched 6 times.
> The current value is Black.
> ========================================================================
> Date         Unit       By         Change   From     To
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> 2018-06-10   (-2,  0)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-3,  0)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-4,  0)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-5,  0)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-6,  0)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+3, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (+2, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (+1, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (+0, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-1, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-2, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-3, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-4, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-5, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-6, +6)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-6, +5)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-6, +4)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-6, +3)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-6, +2)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-6, +1)   o          type     aether   black
> 2018-06-10   (-6, -1)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-6, -2)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-6, -3)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-6, -4)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-6, -5)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-6, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-5, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-4, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-3, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-2, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (-1, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   ( 0, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+1, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+2, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+3, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+4, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+5, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+6, -6)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+6, -5)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+6, -4)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+6, -3)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+6, -2)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-10   (+6, -1)   Telnaior   type     aether   white
> 2018-06-11   (+3, -1)   Agora    owner    Agora    G.
> -- 
> Trigon

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