Proposal: Decriminalization
(AI = 1.7)

Amend Rule 2557 (Sentencing Guidelines) by replacing
      "Class N Crime"
      "Class N Crime" or "Class N Infraction"
and by replacing
      inconsequential infraction.
      inconsequential violation.

Amend Rule 2619 (Indictment) by replacing "crime" with "violation".

Amend Rule 2626 (Certifiable Patches) by replacing "unless its sole
function is" with "unless e reasonably believes its sole function is".

[In addition to quibbles about "sole function", this also covers cases
like "I thought X was a minimal fix until someone suggested Y as an

Amend Rule 2143 (Official Reports and Duties) by replacing "Crime of
Tardiness" with "Infraction of Tardiness".

[This leaves Making My Eyes Bleed as a Crime.]

[For reference, here are other SHALL NOTs that are not explicitly
defined as Crimes. The only functional purpose of such a definition
is that it can change the base fine from its default of 2, however
we may want to explicitly define some as Infractions to indicate that
they're generally not considered Seriously Immoral.

Rule 1607 (Distribution), Promotor distributing non-pending proposal

Rule 2619 (Indictment), fining a rejected indictment (should also be
changed from passive to active)

Rule 911 (Motions and Moots), Arbitor reassigning a remitted judge
when another eligible judge expressed interest

Rule 2175 (Judicial Retraction and Excess), making excess CFJs

Rule 2471 (No Faking), lying

Rule 2466 (Acting on Behalf), making someone else violate the rules

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