On 7/20/2020 3:27 PM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:
> Its not me or any person i knlw of either. I propose referring to this
> player as greg due to the existing player G.


1.  Ain't me.

2.  It's clearly a different nickname, giving the punctuation.  I am G.
and e is G.  To be clearer, E is G and I am G..

3.  Giving benefit of the doubt, I'll assume that this is an innocent
person who wants to be known by eir first initial and didn't know G. was
in use.  So, welcome to Agora, G(reg)!  I award G(reg) a Welcome Package.

4.  Assuming you're a new arrival, we generally honor a person's chosen
nickname, but choosing a nickname isn't an official part of the rules, so
if it's really confusing (e.g. overlap with a previous nickname) we'd
probably find some consensus on a practical way to distinguish it, or
suggest alternatives (I don't think Greg is taken, for example!)

Best and welcome,
the OG G.

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