On 10/15/20 2:12 PM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
> [image: image.png]
> You decide to go to the RULESET to look for a SWEET SCAM. You find the
> RULESET to be a massive, sky-scraping monolith in the middle of Agora, with
> inscriptions etched into its ancient stone. Carefully, you look in between
> the nooks and grooves of these inscriptions, and you find...
> [image: image.png]
> The KILLBLADE! It's made out of black, semi-translucent glass.This SCAM is
> a powerful weapon, but it seems fragile, almost like if it's SINGLE-USE.
> It's also not shaped like a conventional weapon either, alluding to that
> [image: image.png]
> Huh? What's this? During your searching, you manage to find a huge, godly
> entity, strapped by... what seem to be manacles made out of this same black
> glass as your blade, to the back of the RULESET, in the shadows. It looks
> at you, but it doesn't say anything.
> - Warn the other Agorans about this.
> - Try to search for more useful things in the RULESET
> - Visit the nearby fountain
> - (Write-in)

I transfer a ROLL INITIATIVE promise from the Library to myself and cash
it, specifying the write-in vote "Ask the entity what Rule it is defined

Jason Cobb

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