I create and become a party to the following contract.

Contract: JAT Legislative Transferal Arraignment

Only Jason, Aris, and Trigon can become parties to this contract; each of
them can do so by announcement. If 48 hours have passed from the creation of
this contract and any of the three are not parties to it, any party can
terminate the contract by announcement. The rest of the provisions do not
become operational until all three are parties to the contract.

Within 24 hours of all three becoming parties to this contract, the
following unordered steps shall take place:
- Aris SHALL grant or transfer Trigon 1 legislative card.
- Jason SHALL grant or transfer Trigon 2 legislative cards.

Within 24 hours of the previous 2 steps being completed:
1. Trigon SHALL pay 4 legislative cards as a set.
2. Trigon SHALL then transfer 5 pendants to Jason and 2 to Aris.

Once all the steps have been completed or a week has passed since the creation
of this contract, any party may terminate this contract by announcement.

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