On 10/18/20 7:50 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:
> I create and become a party to the following contract.
> -Aris
> ---
> Contract: JAT Legislative Transferal Arraignment
> Only Jason, Aris, and Trigon can become parties to this contract; each of
> them can do so by announcement. If 48 hours have passed from the creation of
> this contract and any of the three are not parties to it, any party can
> terminate the contract by announcement. The rest of the provisions do not
> become operational until all three are parties to the contract.
> Within 24 hours of all three becoming parties to this contract, the
> following unordered steps shall take place:
> - Aris SHALL grant or transfer Trigon 1 legislative card.
> - Jason SHALL grant or transfer Trigon 2 legislative cards.
> Within 24 hours of the previous 2 steps being completed:
> 1. Trigon SHALL pay 4 legislative cards as a set.
> 2. Trigon SHALL then transfer 5 pendants to Jason and 2 to Aris.
> Once all the steps have been completed or a week has passed since the creation
> of this contract, any party may terminate this contract by announcement.

I become party to the above contract.

Jason Cobb

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