On 10/10/2021 16:57, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:
I'm running a game to choose Cuddlebeam's new name.

(This message contains no game actions or pledges. I'm running this
informally. I'll try to be reasonable.)

Send me your vote privately to me or publicly over the next week. See
below for valid options. If you voted for the winning option, you win.
The winners get some money. (It's quite possible every voter will win.)

Here is the *initial* list of valid options. Cuddlebeam's allowed to
change it! E may do so publicly, or e may do it in a sneaky way by
privately emailing me before the game ends.

- Madrid
- Jerez
- Gomez
- Osorio
- Rodriguez

More details:

The contest ends at 00:00 UTC on October 17, 2021. Only your last vote
before the contest ends counts. If there's a tie, I'll decide how to
break it.

Anyone who's a player at the time I send this email, except Cuddlebeam
and myself, may vote.

To vote (or for Cuddlebeam to change the list): either publish a
message to one of the public fora, or privately email me.

In a follow-up email, I'll create a contract called The Pot which will
hold the prize money. After the contest ends, I'll divide the prize
money approximately among the winners.

If something goes wrong I'll try to adapt in a reasonable way.

I vote for Madrid.

friendly neighborhood notary :)

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