On 10/10/2021 3:24 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
> On 10/10/2021 16:57, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:
>> I'm running a game to choose Cuddlebeam's new name.
>> (This message contains no game actions or pledges. I'm running this
>> informally. I'll try to be reasonable.)
>> Send me your vote privately to me or publicly over the next week. See
>> below for valid options. If you voted for the winning option, you win.
>> The winners get some money. (It's quite possible every voter will win.)
>> Here is the *initial* list of valid options. Cuddlebeam's allowed to
>> change it! E may do so publicly, or e may do it in a sneaky way by
>> privately emailing me before the game ends.
>> - Madrid
>> - Jerez
>> - Gomez
>> - Osorio
>> - Rodriguez
>> More details:
>> The contest ends at 00:00 UTC on October 17, 2021. Only your last vote
>> before the contest ends counts. If there's a tie, I'll decide how to
>> break it.
>> Anyone who's a player at the time I send this email, except Cuddlebeam
>> and myself, may vote.
>> To vote (or for Cuddlebeam to change the list): either publish a
>> message to one of the public fora, or privately email me.
>> In a follow-up email, I'll create a contract called The Pot which will
>> hold the prize money. After the contest ends, I'll divide the prize
>> money approximately among the winners.
>> If something goes wrong I'll try to adapt in a reasonable way.
> I vote for Madrid.

I also vote for Madrid. -G.

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