On 9/2/22 06:59, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 5:13 AM Pilgore via agora-business <
> agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> COE: I planned to switch my mindset to Dream of Victories.
>> If I am the only player to switch eir mindset to Dream of Victories, I
>> announce that.
>>> Mindset Switches (self-ratifies)
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Dream of Victory:
>>>    secretsnail
>>>    Murphy
>>>    Madrid
>>>    Jason
>>>    juan
>>>    Pilgore
> I respond to this CoE as follows:
> CFJ: Pilgore has a mindset of Dream of Victories, and not Dream of Victory.
> Arguments for TRUE: Dreams aren't really defined in the rules so "Dream of
> Victories" might be a valid value for a mindset, especially since it's
> referred to in the definition of Dream of Victory.
> Arguments for FALSE: Since dreams aren't really defined in the rules, you
> can't plan to set it to any dream besides the Dream of Wandering. The Dream
> of Victory and the Dream of Victories might also be the same thing, given
> the dream of victories is referenced in the dream of victory effects and
> it's pretty obvious it was a mistake/typo. Or maybe the list of things
> called "Dream of" whatever is enough to define those things as dreams and
> anything not listed there as not dreams, as intended, so the Dream of
> Victories can't be flipped to since it isn't a dream.
> --
> secretsnail

The above is CFJ 3991.

I assign CFJ 3991 to Jason.

Jason Cobb

Arbitor, Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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