On 9/10/22 02:40, Jason Cobb wrote:
> On 9/4/22 16:37, Jason Cobb wrote:
>> On 9/2/22 06:59, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 5:13 AM Pilgore via agora-business <
>>> agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>>>> COE: I planned to switch my mindset to Dream of Victories.
>>>> If I am the only player to switch eir mindset to Dream of Victories, I
>>>> announce that.
>>>>> Mindset Switches (self-ratifies)
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Dream of Victory:
>>>>>    secretsnail
>>>>>    Murphy
>>>>>    Madrid
>>>>>    Jason
>>>>>    juan
>>>>>    Pilgore
>>> I respond to this CoE as follows:
>>> CFJ: Pilgore has a mindset of Dream of Victories, and not Dream of Victory.
>>> Arguments for TRUE: Dreams aren't really defined in the rules so "Dream of
>>> Victories" might be a valid value for a mindset, especially since it's
>>> referred to in the definition of Dream of Victory.
>>> Arguments for FALSE: Since dreams aren't really defined in the rules, you
>>> can't plan to set it to any dream besides the Dream of Wandering. The Dream
>>> of Victory and the Dream of Victories might also be the same thing, given
>>> the dream of victories is referenced in the dream of victory effects and
>>> it's pretty obvious it was a mistake/typo. Or maybe the list of things
>>> called "Dream of" whatever is enough to define those things as dreams and
>>> anything not listed there as not dreams, as intended, so the Dream of
>>> Victories can't be flipped to since it isn't a dream.
>>> --
>>> secretsnail
>> The above is CFJ 3991.
>> I assign CFJ 3991 to Jason.
> Judgement in CFJ 3991:
> Arguments:
> {
> The capitalization of "Dream" in "and any Dream" of the second
> paragraph of Rule 2675 is extremely suggestive that "Dream" is a term
> of art, and not a natural language term. This effect is only enhanced
> by the list of "Dream of X" later in the rule. To the extent that the
> text does not require this reading explicitly or implicitly, it is
> most certainly ambiguous in what it actually requires, thus allowing
> the Rule 217 factors to apply. Common sense clearly weighs in favor of
> this working, and the best interests of the game and game custom weigh
> against an alternate reading where the values of the switch are
> nebulously defined (especially for a tracked switch). Although this
> reading renders the usage of "Dream of Wandering [...] and any Dream"
> redundant, this slight contortion is both still consistent with the
> text and most consistent with the R217 factors.
> As such, I find that the list of "Dream of X" in the final paragraph
> of Rule 2675 is an exhaustive list of "Dreams" for the purposes of the
> Rule.
> The third paragraph of Rule 2675 authorizes Planning to Flip one's own
> Mindset to any valid value by announcement. Since "Dream of Victory"
> is a possible value, Pilgore met the "clearly and unambiguously"
> standard required for specification of a by announcement. E also
> obviously met the intent requirement. Thus, Pilgore successfully
> Planned to Flip eir Mindset to the value Dream of Victories.
> I have seen no evidence that Pilgore attempted to Plan to Flip eir
> Mindset at any later date before the beginning of September. Thus, at
> the beginning of September, when the wandering occurred, eir Mindset
> was flipped to Dream of Victory.
> Judged FALSE.
> }
> Evidence:
> {
> Message from Pilgore
> (https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2022-August/049774.html):
> {
> I Plan to Flip my mindset to Dream of Victories
> -Pilgore
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rule 2675/0 (Power=2)
> Dream of Wandering
>       The Dreamor is an office; its holder is responsible for keeping
>       track of the dreams of all active players.
>       Mindset is a secured active player switch, tracked by the Dreamor
>       in eir monthly report, with possible values Dream of Wandering
>       (the default) and any Dream.
>       An active player CAN Plan to Flip eir own Mindset, specifying any
>       valid value for eir Mindset, by announcement.  When the rules
>       state that the wandering occurs, every active player's Mindset is
>       set to the value e most recently specified by Planning to Flip. If
>       a player did not Plan to Flip eir Mindset switch since the last
>       wandering, it not Flipped.
>       The wandering occurs at the beginning of each month.
>       At any time, each active player is either a Sleeping Dreamer
>       (Default), a New Dreamer, or a Recurring Dreamer. The state of
>       each player is included in the Dreamor's monthly report, which
>       SHALL be published in a timely fashion from the beginning of the
>       month.
>       If an active player's Mindset is flipped when the wandering
>       occurs, e becomes a New Dreamer; otherwise, e becomes a Recurring
>       dreamer.
>       The following rules apply to each active player based on that
>       player's Mindset:
>       - Dream of Victory: Upon a correct announcement of being the only
>         player with eir Mindset Flipped to Dream of Victories, e wins
>         the game. Upon winning the game, e has eir Mindset immediately
>         Flipped to the Dream of Wandering and becomes a Sleeping
>         Dreamer. While e is a New Dreamer, e CAN, once by announcement,
>         gain 10 points, then become a Sleeping Dreamer.
>       - Dream of Wealth: While e is a New or Recurring Dreamer, e CAN,
>         once by announcement, grant 5 stamps of eir own type to emself,
>         then become a Sleeping Dreamer.
>       - Dream of Justice: While e is a New or Recurring Dreamer, e CAN,
>         once by announcement, expunge up to 4 blots from emself, then
>         become a Sleeping Dreamer.
>       - Dream of Wandering: While e is a Recurring Dreamer, e CAN, once
>         by announcement, set eir mindset to a specified Dream, and
>         become a New Dreamer.
>       - Dream of Machines: E CAN Flip the Device to either on or off
>         with Agoran Consent.  E CAN act on behalf of the device to take
>         any action the device CAN take by announcement with 1 support.
>       - Dream of Beasts: E CAN buy bird food by paying a fee of 3
>         boatloads of coins. E CAN buy a Beast Permit by paying a fee of
>         40 boatloads of coins.  E CAN renew a Beast Permit by paying a
>         fee of 20 boatloads of coins.
>       - Dream of Gardens: While E is a New or Recurring Dreamer, E CAN
>         once pay a fee of N stamps, specifying one stone e owns, and
>         that stone has its escape chance reduced by N*5%, to a minimum
>         of 0%, where N is a positive integer, then become a Sleeping
>         Dreamer.  This reduction can only apply to one stone e owns.
>         This reduction is removed after the Stonemason publishes a
>         collection notice.
>       - Dream of Power: Eir Voting Strength is 2 greater.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rule 478/40 (Power=3)
> Fora
>       Freedom of speech being essential for the healthy functioning of
>       any non-Imperial nomic, it is hereby resolved that no Player shall
>       be prohibited from participating in the Fora, nor shall any person
>       create physical or technological obstacles that unduly favor some
>       players' fora access over others.
>       Publicity is a secured forum switch with values Public,
>       Discussion, and Foreign (default), tracked by the Registrar.
>       The Registrar may change the publicity of a forum without
>       objection as long as:
>       1. e sends eir announcement of intent to that forum; and
>       2. if the forum is to be made public, the announcement by which
>          the Registrar makes that forum public is sent to all existing
>          public fora.
>       Each player should ensure e can receive messages via each public
>       forum.
>       A public message is a message sent via a public forum, or sent to
>       all players and containing a clear designation of intent to be
>       public. A rule can also designate that a part of one public
>       message is considered a public message in its own right. To
>       "publish" or "announce" something is to send a public message
>       whose body contains that thing. To do something "publicly" is
>       to do that thing within a public message.
>       Where the rules define an action that a person CAN perform "by
>       announcement", that person performs that action by, in a single
>       public message, specifying the action and setting forth intent to
>       perform that action by sending that message, doing both clearly
>       and unambiguously.
>       Any action performed by sending a message is performed at the time
>       date-stamped on that message. Actions in messages (including
>       sub-messages) are performed in the order they appear in the
>       message, unless otherwise specified. Allowing actions performed by
>       sending a message to take place simultaneously must be done
>       explicitly and is secured at power 2.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> }
> -- 
> Jason Cobb
> Arbitor, Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

Changing subject (sorry). No game actions.

Jason Cobb

Arbitor, Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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