H. Rulekeepor,

I make the following submissions for RtRW (a start, anyway).  Note:
If I list a rule, it means I've also looked at all annotations
currently in that rule and think any unmentioned are up-to-date/worth


Rule 101/17 (Power=4)
The Game of Agora

CFJ 2515 (called 08 May 2009):  Failure to 'Please treat Agora Right
    Good Forever' can be a rules violation in extreme circumstances.

Rule 1698/7 (Power=4)
Agora Is A Nomic

CFJ 3765 (called 31 Jul 2019):  A reasonable combination of actions
    for allowing arbitrary rule changes could include repealing this
    rule first.

Rule 869/51 (Power=3)
How to Join and Leave Agora

CFJ 3455 (called 03 Aug 2016):  Ratifying an unregistered person as a
    player fails without that person's willful consent.

Rule 478/41 (Power=3)

CFJ 3948 (called 05 Mar 2022): Sending a message "to" a player via a
    nonpublic forum requires, at minimum, explicit signaling of the
    intended recipient in a forum-dependent manner.

I think this one should be 3884 not 3887?
CFJ 3887 (called 06 Sep 2020): A forum is an open medium for

(Out of date/not in keeping with current rules)

CFJ 752 (called 13 Mar 1995): Something sent to a Player who is
    obligated to send it to all Players is sufficient for sending
    something to the PF.

CFJ 831 (called 10 Nov 1995): 'The Date: header of a message is not
    necessarily the time at which the message takes effect.'

CFJ 1695 (called 23 Jun 2007): A partnership, which by its nature can't
    directly send email, can participate in the fora by means of its
    members sending messages on its behalf, if its governing agreement
    says so.

CFJ 1833-1834 (called 18 Dec 2007): A player can, by contractual
    arrangement, grant another player the capacity to act by
    announcement on eir behalf.

CFJ 1893 (called 03 Feb 2008): A non-consensual non-contractual
    arrangement cannot grant a player the capacity to act by
    announcement on behalf of another.

CFJ 2397 (called 03 Mar 2009): A player can grant or revoke permission
    at will for another player to act by announcement on eir behalf.

CFJ 2322 (called 24 Dec 2008): The ability to act on behalf can be
    created by any willful agreement.


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