I vote as follows on these Proposals:

> 9058*   Aris, G.                3.0   Things Mean What They're Meant to

> 9059~   Maloney                 1.0   Ambiguity Amendment
AGAINST, I don't see any bold/underlined/etc text.

> 9060~   Maloney                 1.0   Ambiguity Amendment
AGAINST, I don't see any bold/underlined/etc text.

> 9061~   snail                   2.0   Wake Up Call
AGAINST, because this enables timing-based shenanigans which I would prefer
to have not happen. It also punishes being unattentive for generous periods
of time, which I've been tending to do lately.

On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 12:27 AM secretsnail9 via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> If you vote on a proposal, please edit this spreadsheet with your votes:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F39OHtBlZlQ8XVccqKCFtP-DPuHz4wPnujxbxkCN3LI/edit?usp=sharing
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
> and removing it from the proposal pool. For each decision, the vote
> collector is the Assessor, the quorum is 5, the voting method is
> AI-majority, the adoption index is the adoption index of the associated
> proposal, and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a
> valid vote, as are conditional votes).
> ID      Author(s)               AI    Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 9058*   Aris, G.                3.0   Things Mean What They're Meant to
> Mean
> 9059~   Maloney                 1.0   Ambiguity Amendment
> 9060~   Maloney                 1.0   Ambiguity Amendment
> 9061~   snail                   2.0   Wake Up Call
> The proposal pool contains the following proposals:
> ID      Author(s)               AI    Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal.
>         <ID>~ : Ordinary proposal.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
> the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
> the information shown above shall control.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 9058
> Title: Things Mean What They're Meant to Mean
> Adoption Index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: G.
> Amend Rule 105, "Rule Changes", by adding at the end of the paragraph:
>   A rule change is any effect that falls into the above classes.
>   Rule changes always occur sequentially, never simultaneously.
> the text:
>   If a specification would ever be interpreted as causing multiple changes
> to
>   happen at once, it is instead interpreted as attempting to cause them to
>   occur separately, in the order they are listed in the specification.
> and by replacing the paragraph:
>   Any ambiguity in the specification of a rule change causes that
>   change to be void and without effect. An inconsequential variation
>   in the quotation of an existing rule does not constitute ambiguity
>   for the purposes of this rule, but any other variation does.
> with:
>   Any ambiguity in the specification of a rule change causes that
>   change to be void and without effect. An inconsequential variation
>   in the quotation of an existing rule does not constitute ambiguity
>   for the purposes of this rule. Furthermore, if the change being specified
>   would be clear to any reasonable player, the specification is not
> ambiguous,
>   even if it is incorrect or unclear on its face. This provision does not
>   prevent the specification of undesirable changes; for instance, an
> amendment
>   which adds a typo is not corrected to remove the typo.
> and by replacing the text:
>    5. retitle (syn. amend the title of) a rule.
> with:
>    5. retitle a rule.
> [Removing the synonym, since it should now be unneeded.]
> At 4st's request, it is publicly noted that e is very silly for calling
> this proposal an unneeded bug fix.
> [Some further examples of what should now work:
> 1. An amendment to the power of a rule is read as a change in the rule's
> power.
> 2. A repeal of a section of a rule is read as an amendment which removes
> that
>    section.
> 3. Ellipses are read sensibly in rule quotations.
> 4. "Enact the following:" enacts the rule, unless it could sensibly be read
>    as enacting a regulation.
> 5. "Append the following paragraph" works even if two paragraphs are
> clearly
>     specified. (It still fails if it's unclear whether the text means one
> or
>     two paragraphs though.)
> You get the point.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 9059
> Title: Ambiguity Amendment
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: Maloney
> Co-authors:
> Amend the following text of rule 105/23, Rule Changes, as delineated by the
> first set quotation marks within this proposal by replacing the entirety of
> the bolded, italicised, and underlined portion of the text with the text
> delineated by the second set of quotation marks within this proposal:
> "*Any ambiguity in the specification of a rule change causes that change to
> be void and without effect.* An inconsequential variation in the quotation
> of an existing rule does not constitute ambiguity for the purposes of this
> rule, but any other variation does."
> "Ambiguity which would reasonably alter the function of a rule change or
> cause reasonable doubt that a rule change is being made causes that change
> to be void and without effect."
> All text in this proposal between the given ID of this proposal (which
> terminates at the first character 3 within this proposal) and the start of
> this sentence (which begins with the phrase "All text" after a line break)
> are part of the rule change proposed within this proposal. The text within
> this paragraph is not a part of the proposed rule change. This proposal is
> proposed as an attempt to make a change in the rules, specifically an
> amendment to the rule 105/23, which is titled Rule Changes. The text to be
> amended is located within rule 105/23 within the ninth (9th) body of text
> within that rule. This proposal is being sent to a public forum, as per the
> necessary publicity of a rule announcement. Should the formatting of this
> proposal be lost, it should be noted that the bolded, italicised, and
> underlined text reads as "*Any ambiguity in the specification of a rule
> change causes that change to be void and without effect.*" and that the
> amendment proposed in this proposal replaces that text entirely, removing
> it from the rule, and applying the replacement text ("Ambiguity which would
> reasonably alter the function of a rule change or cause reasonable doubt
> that a rule change is being made causes that change to be void and without
> effect.") within the same place as the replaced text.
> ##This is a clearly marked comment clarifying that there are no other
> comments within this message not a part of this proposal other than the one
> preceding the proposal. The proposal begins with the title of the proposal
> (the text "Name: Ambiguity Amendment").
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 9060
> Title: Ambiguity Amendment
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: Maloney
> Co-authors:
> Amend the following text of rule 105, Rule Changes, as delineated by the
> first set quotation marks within this proposal by replacing the entirety of
> the bolded, italicised, and underlined portion of the text with the text
> delineated by the second set of quotation marks within this proposal:
> "*Any ambiguity in the specification of a rule change causes that change to
> be void and without effect.* An inconsequential variation in the quotation
> of an existing rule does not constitute ambiguity for the purposes of this
> rule, but any other variation does."
> "Ambiguity which would reasonably alter the function of a rule change or
> cause reasonable doubt that a rule change is being made causes that change
> to be void and without effect."
> All text in this proposal between the given ID of this proposal (which
> terminates at the first character 3 within this proposal) and the start of
> this sentence (which begins with the phrase "All text" after a line break)
> are part of the rule change proposed within this proposal. The text within
> this paragraph is not a part of the proposed rule change. This proposal is
> proposed as an attempt to make a change in the rules, specifically an
> amendment to the rule 105, which is titled Rule Changes. The text to be
> amended is located within rule 105 within the ninth (9th) body of text
> within that rule. This proposal is being sent to a public forum, as per the
> necessary publicity of a rule announcement. Should the formatting of this
> proposal be lost, it should be noted that the bolded, italicised, and
> underlined text reads as "*Any ambiguity in the specification of a rule
> change causes that change to be void and without effect.*" and that the
> amendment proposed in this proposal replaces that text entirely, removing
> it from the rule, and applying the replacement text ("Ambiguity which would
> reasonably alter the function of a rule change or cause reasonable doubt
> that a rule change is being made causes that change to be void and without
> effect.") within the same place as the replaced text.
> ##This is a clearly marked comment clarifying that there are no other
> comments within this message not a part of this proposal other than the one
> preceding the proposal. The proposal begins with the title of the proposal
> (the text "Name: Ambiguity Amendment").
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 9061
> Title: Wake Up Call
> Adoption Index: 2.0
> Author: snail
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2675 (Dream of Wandering) by replacing "Dream is a secured
> active player switch" with "Dream is an active player switch".
> Enact a new Rule with Power 1 and title "Clapping" and the following text:
> {
> Each player CAN, with 3 support, Clap. When a player Claps, each active
> player's Dream is set to Wandering. A player CANNOT Clap if any person has
> Clapped in the past 2 weeks.
> }
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> --
> snail

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