On Mon, 18 Dec 2006 14:03:31 -0800 (PST)
Jonathan Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd appreciate some feedback on this, which I was thinking of posting at 
> www.nomic.net
> ----
> Since 1993, Agoran players have proposed almost five thousand pieces of 
> legislation, enacted over two thousand rules, and handed down over fifteen 
> hundred judgements through our legal system.  Yet, there is always room for 
> growth.  Agora is currently looking for new players to propose legislation, 
> participate as a Judge, hold an Office, or just hang out and debate on 
> agora-discussion.
> If you'd like to check Agora out, we can be found on these lists:
>  agora-official
>  agora-business
>  agora-discussion
> all accessible through this fine site:
>  http://www.agoranomic.org/
> Our current ruleset is also available for public viewing here:
>  http://axiom.anu.edu.au/~michaeln/agora/full-ruleset
> We hope to meet you soon!

I think a more crucial element is the will of the existing players. Since Nomic 
is relatively unstructured, "vision" is much more important than in most other 
games. If players have different ideas about where to take Monopoly, the most 
that will probably happen is they will fight over the Free Parking house rules. 
If players have different ideas about where to take a Nomic, well, I'm sure we 
can picture (or remember) the results...

That said, what would people be interested in experimenting with in the near 
future? Economics? Internomic relations? Or something other than what I can 
think of off the top of my head?


Joshua Boehme

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