On 5/14/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

BobTHJ wrote:

> Create a rule called "Certification" with Power 1 that reads:
> {
> A Player must be certified to perform any of the following actions:
> * Submitting a ballot for distributed proposals
> * Supporting or opposing a dependent action
> * Submitting a proposal for distribution
> If a player who performs one of the above actions and is not certified
> to perform that action then that action is void and is treated as if the
> Player never attempted to perform that action.

Charging for proposals has historically led to stagnation.

Maybe that would be the case here, I don't have the experience to know.
However, a certificate gives you the ability to propose for a period of up
to two weeks, so you can prepare your protos and then buy a certificate once
you are ready to push them all through.

Each License has an initial cost to purchase, and in addition each
> License requires a monthly renewal fee to be paid to the Agoran
> Treasury. Unless otherwise specified, the cost to purchase a License
> shall be $2,500, and the renewal fee for a license shall be $500. The
> Secretary of the Treasury shall collect renewal fees from each Licensee
> as soon as possible after the first of each month.

If this and the other proposals were adopted today, there would be 19
players (not counting HP3-14 who are going away soon) and 8 offices, and
we would need a minimum of two licenses (proposing and voting).  Let's
look at how quickly the total money supply would shrink:

   Initial funds = (19 * $1,000) - (2 * $2,500) = $14,000

   Monthly change = (8 * $500) - (19 * $200) - (2 * $500) = -$800

This would bankrupt all players in about a year and a half, plus
about one month per new registration.  Do you intend for the players
to have to vote themselves more money every few months?

I'm sorry, I meant to specify and I forgot. I intend to change the initial
amount of Currency per player from $1k to $10k, thus the reason for these
numbers and not smaller ones. And, while there is a fixed amount of currency
in the economy (this is intended to make it a limited resource), it is never
destroyed. License fees are paid into the Treasury and then re-distributed
back out to Officers. I'm sure a social program could be developed as well
to award money from the Treasury to those who are less fortunate. Or a
government contracts system where the Treasury pays players to perform
services on it's behalf.


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