I am soliciting comments on the following proto-proposal:

AI: 1

Create a rule called "Certification" with Power 1 that reads:

A Player who performs one of the following actions without being certified
for that action is in violation of the rules:
* Submitting a ballot for distributed proposals
* Supporting or opposing a dependent action
* Submitting a proposal for distribution

Players become certified for an action by obtaining a Certificate. A
Certificate is owned by a player, but is not Property and may not be traded
or exchanged. Each Certificate allows a Player to perform one specific
action. Each certificate has an expiration date. The holder of a Certificate
may exercise the action specified in the certificate freely while that
Certificate is valid. When the expiration date of a Certificate is reached,
it becomes invalid and ceases to exist.

A Player may hold any number of Certificates, and holding a Certificate does
not prevent another Player from holding a Certificate of the same type.

Create a rule called "Licenses" with Power 1 that reads:
Certain activities are regulated under Agoran law. These activities may only
be conducted by an Agoran Player who holds a license for that activity. Any
Agoran Player may purchase a License for one of the activities regulated by
this rule by making an announcement to the Public Forum and paying the cost
of that License in Currency to the Agoran Treasury.

Each License has an initial cost to purchase, and in addition each License
requires a monthly renewal fee to be paid to the Agoran Treasury. Unless
otherwise specified, the cost to purchase a License shall be $2,500, and the
renewal fee for a license shall be $500. If a Player wishes to renew a
Licence, e may pay the renewal fee to the Agoran Treasury as soon as
possible after the beginning of a new month. If e doesn't, e loses that
License and if e wishes to become re-licensed in that activity again, e
shall have to pay the initial license purchase fee.

A License is owned by a Player, but is not Property and may not be
transferred. A Player may hold as many Licenses as e wishes, and each
License is available to all Agoran Players to purchase, unless otherwise
specified in another rule of equal or higher power.

The following Licenses are available for purchase:

Voter Certification License
A Player holding this license can (by announcement) issue a Voter's
Certificate to any Player. This Certificate must have an expiration date no
further than one week beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Voter's
Certificate is certified to submit ballots on distributed Proposals.

Dependent Action License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) issue a Supporter's
Certificate or an Objector's Certificate to any Player. This Certificate
must have an expiration date no further than one week beyond the date of
issue. The holder of a Supporter's Certificate may support any dependent
action and the holder of an Objector's Certificate may object to any
dependent action.

Proposer Certification License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) issue a Proposer's
Certificate to any Player. This Certificate must have an expiration date no
further than one week beyond the date of issue. The holder of a Proposer's
Certificate may submit proposals for distribution.

Contractor's License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) create one Land as
described in the rule Land Ownership, as long as e has not done so within
the past week.

Digit Farming License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) "farm" Digit Ranches e
owns, as described in the rule Land Ownership, as long as e has not done so
within the past week.

Equator's License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) process equations using
eir Equation Factories, as described in the rule Land Ownership.

Demolitions License
A Player holding this License can (by announcement) destroy any one Land
owned by any Player, as long as e has not done so within the past week.

Create a rule called "Digits" with Power 1 that reads:

Digits are a type of Property that may be owned by Players. There are ten
types of Digits, represented by the numbers 0 through 9. All Digits of the
same numerical value are fungible.

After an Ordinary Proposal is distributed, but before voting ends, any
Player may destroy digits e controls corresponding to the digits in the
number of that proposal by making an announcement to the Public Forum. This
has the effect of increasing eir Voting Limit on that Proposal by one. This
action may be performed multiple times by the same Player for the same

A Player may destroy one digit he controls of each of the ten digit types by
making an announcement to the Public Forum. If e does, e gains 1 VC.

When a Judge issues a judgment on a CFJ, e may destroy digits e controls
corresponding to the digits in the number of the CFJ and may specify one
Land controlled by any Player by specifying such in that judgment. If e
does, e gains control of that Land and its former owner loses control of it.

Create a rule called "Land Ownership" with Power 1 that reads:
Land is a type of non-fungible Property. A POE may name a Land it owns by

A Digit Ranch is a type of Land. Each Digit Ranch produces a single type of
Digit, determined at the time the Digit Ranch is created by its creator. A
Digit Ranch's digit type may not be changed. When a POE owning a Digit Ranch
"farms", one digit of the same type as the Digit ranch is created and given
to that POE.

An Equation Factory is a type of Land. An Equation factory consists of a
mathematical equation containing three variables (represented by the capital
letters X, Y, and Z). An Equation Factory's equation is determined at the
time it is created and it may not be changed. At any time, the owner of an
Equation Factory, if e holds an Equator's License, may use any three digits
e owns to 'Process Equations' by announcement:
1. E substitutes those digits into the equation in place of the Variables.
2. E solves the equation to obtain a result between 0 and 99 inclusive.
3. The original digits are destroyed and e receives two newly created
digits, one for each digit in the resulting number (adding a leading zero if
needed to obtain a two digit number)
If, when solved, an equation produces a number that is not in the range of 0
to 99 that Equation Factory is destroyed.

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