I'm unclear as to why we need a separate CFJ on how to interpret the
accusation in the first CFJ; isn't that a matter for the trial judge
in the first CFJ?

On 8/12/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hereby call for judgement (of the inquiry variety), barring comex, on
> the statement: in CFJ 1715, the alleged act is illegal but impossible.
> Arguments:
> comex initiated CFJ 1715 by a message reading in part:
> |I initiate the following criminal cases with a defendant of Peekee, and
> |request that the CotC perform linked assignments:
> |
> |* Peekee has violated Rule 754 by sending communication with little
> |regularity.
> Rule 1504 lists the items that must be present to initiate a criminal
> case:
>       A criminal case CAN be initiated by any player, by announcement
>       which clearly identifies the defendant and specifies the action
>       (which may be a failure to perform another action) by which the
>       defendant allegedly breached the rules.
> The elements, then, are a defendant and an alleged act (the charge).
> comex's message clearly identifies the defendant as Peekee, and specifies
> the charge by the allegation:
> |* Peekee has violated Rule 754 by sending communication with little
> |regularity.
> Rule 754, being of a definitional nature, imposes no obligations on
> anyone, and so cannot be violated.  Clearly Peekee has not violated
> the rules here, and should be acquitted in CFJ 1715.  This clarity is
> convenient in considering the matter of this inquiry.  The issue here
> is which parts of the above-quoted sentence constitute the charge,
> and hence in which manner Peekee should be acquitted.
> The first possible interpretation is that the alleged act is sending
> communication with little regularity.  Peekee may well have performed this
> act, depending on the interpretation of "regularity".  (Peekee touched
> on this ambiguity in eir defence.)  Supposing Peekee did indeed perform
> this act, e could not be found INNOCENT.  E would instead be acquitted
> as UNIMPUGNED, because sending communications with little regularity is
> not prohibited by the rules.
> The second possible interpretation is that the alleged act is violating
> Rule 754 by sending communication with little regularity.  Or, putting
> it the other way round, sending communication with little regularity in
> violation of Rule 754.  In this case, the alleged act is by construction
> illegal.  The qualifier "in violation of rule N" or enclosing clause
> "violating rule N by" narrows down the allegation to something that
> is specifically illegal.  In this case Peekee could not be UNIMPUGNED.
> Indeed, e is directly impugned by the allegation that e violated rule 754.
> However, as it is not possible to violate rule 754, and in particular is
> impossible to violate it by sending communication with little regularity,
> Peekee cannot have performed this alleged act, and so is INNOCENT.
> The overall effect of the criminal case is the same either way (an
> acquittal), but rule 1504 distinguish several flavours of acquittal,
> and so the interpretation of the charge is significant.  I suggest that
> the second interpretation is preferable, because it matches the charge
> as presented by the prosecutor, whereas the first interpretation throws
> away a relevant part of that sentence.
> -zefram

Geoffrey Spear

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