On Jan 25, 2008 2:47 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Zefram wrote:
> > Ed Murphy wrote:
> >> CFJ 1659 found that even a contract can't override an explicit rule
> >> definition, much less a long-standing but still unlegislated custom.
> >
> > And as a result we amended the rule that led to that judgement.
> > Contextual modifications now can override rule definitions.
> That would be the "by default" clause in 754(2), yes?  It's still
> unclear whether unofficial custom suffices to trigger that, though.

I think a system where unofficial custom can override something
explicitly defined in the Rules is almost completely unworkable, not
to mention a huge burden to new players.  Who defines what exactly is
"custom"?  If I start posting messages claiming a copy-and-pasted line
from a ballot followed by the word "AGAINST" is a synonym for "I
deregister", should attempts to vote against a proposal be taken as
deregistrations?  What if I post these messages frequently for a
period of a few months?  What if several more players join me in doing
so?  What's the threshold for people repeatedly using a term in one
way before it's "custom" and therefore able to override a rule?
Geoffrey Spear

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