On Jan 25, 2008 10:14 AM, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ian Kelly wrote:
> >R869 is pretty clear on the definition of "to be registered", so I'm
> >interpreting this as a successful registration as a player.
> I think "to be registered as a watcher" can perfectly well have a
> different meaning from the rule-defined "to be registered".  What meaning
> that is is of course determined by the time-honoured custom of the
> registrar listing watchers in eir report.

R869 says: "The verb 'to be registered' means to become a player...",
so I think that to make that argument, you have to determine that the
verb "to be registered" from Pavitra's message is not the same verb
"to be registered" that R869 defines.  That seems a pretty big stretch
to me.


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