I'm a Hanging judge. I want to hang someone. Is this going to be my chance?

On Jun 24, 2008, at 4:25 AM, Ed Murphy wrote:

Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2011

========================= Criminal Case 2011 =========================

    comex breached Rule 1742 by continued failure to comply with the
    terms of the binding Vote Market contract.

====================================================================== ==

BobTHJ, some details on this please?

========================= Criminal Case 2012 =========================

    comex breached Rule 1742 by continued failure to comply with the
    terms of the binding Equation of CFJ 1915

====================================================================== ==

CFJ 1915 directs comex to submit Sell tickets every week, and I don't recall seeing the Sell tickets submitted. I am inclined to rule GUILTY on this.
Benjamin Schultz KE3OM

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