2008/6/26 Quazie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> All new members between today and day x, where x is the day ehird can
> re-register are suspicious in my book.

Hmm .. you just contacted me on gmail chat about this. I'll quote it

quazienomic:  the chances of you being a random person from the UK who
joined with the name tusho are slimmer than the chances that you are
 me:  Um, what?
I have no idea what you're trying to say... sorry...
 quazienomic:  either your telling the truth and just happen to have a
gmail/nomic name that is very unfortunate due to its timing, or you
are ehird, and that will be up for the courts to decide
 me:  I think I've seen the name ehird in the archives. I didn't
browse any really recent ones though...
What's happening?
 quazienomic:  the gist of it is that ehird was deregistered recently
(who is maybe you) and may have illegally re-registered as you, only
to reveal that you are em once e can re-register legally
 me:  Well I'm certainly not ehird!
And I wouldn't do something silly like that...
 quazienomic:  unfortunatly for you, if you aren't, tusho is ehird's IRC name
 me:  Why did e deregister?
I see...
I see a few 'tusho's every now and  then around the 'net.
Not very often, though!
Ow, what a bad time to join then...
But yes. Why did e deregister?
(Hope I got my spivak right.)
 quazienomic:  no time to get into it all right now, i'm at work at
the moment, but someone did it for em due to a pledge e made.
 me:  Weird. I didn't see anything in the rules about being able to
deregister someone because of making a pledge??
 quazienomic:  the pledge said anyone can do anything on behalf of ehird
 me:  Oh jeez. That's stupid.
What was e thinking?!?!?!?!

tusho ? (questionmark)

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