On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 21:23 -0700, Ed Murphy wrote:
> The PerlNomic Partnership wrote:
> > 5590 AGAINST
> > 5591 AGAINST
> > 5593 FOR
> > 5594 FOR
> > 5596 FOR
> > 5597 AGAINST
> > 5598 PRESENT
> These (and 5589 from the previous method) missed the voting period.
I suspect that Wooble caused the PNP to send these votes not because e
thought they would work, but because it was the easiest way of
uncluttering the PNP's idea of what was going on in Agora after its
server crash.

Say, this is another argument for allowing attempts to perform actions
which will certainly fail; the PNP often votes late on Agoran Decisions
due to the players of PerlNomic not deciding fast enough, and it's much
easier for it to simply perform the failed actions than it would be for
the PerlNomic server to figure out whether or not the actions would
succeed. (It uses Zefram's website to determine which proposals are in
their voting period, and Zefram does not update it instantaneously when
the voting period ends.)

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