On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 9:38 PM, Benjamin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Addition and subtraction mod 11 are moderately less obnoxious to figure out
> than division.

Well, ok, when you're dealing with single-digit operands addition is
incredibly simple and subtraction's not much worse once you get your
mind around the whole wrapping of negative values thing.  Still, a
chart to glance at and say "ok, I have these crops and these mills,
what can I make?" would be nice.

Of course, something like Murphy's spendable chords thing would be
even nicer.  Maybe I'll work on that when I'm done with the web-based
color Tailor's report I'm working on. (Of course, getting a web
browser to display ultraviolet to really get the report to be accurate
could take years)

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