On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 19:41, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2082a
> ============================  Appeal 2082a  ============================
> Panelist:                               root
> Decision:
> Panelist:                               woggle
> Decision:
> Panelist:                               Wooble
> Decision:
> ========================================================================
> History:
> Appeal initiated:                       27 Jul 2008 16:17:40 GMT
> Assigned to BobTHJ (panelist):          27 Jul 2008 22:45:12 GMT
> Assigned to Sgeo (panelist):            27 Jul 2008 22:45:12 GMT
> Assigned to Quazie (panelist):          27 Jul 2008 22:45:12 GMT
> BobTHJ recused (panelist):              13 Aug 2008 23:27:26 GMT
> Sgeo recused (panelist):                13 Aug 2008 23:27:26 GMT
> Quazie recused (panelist):              13 Aug 2008 23:27:26 GMT
> Assigned to pikhq (panelist):           13 Aug 2008 23:35:55 GMT
> Assigned to Goethe (panelist):          13 Aug 2008 23:35:55 GMT
> Assigned to Murphy (panelist):          13 Aug 2008 23:35:55 GMT
> pikhq recused (panelist):               08 Sep 2008 00:38:55 GMT
> Goethe recused (panelist):              08 Sep 2008 00:38:55 GMT
> Murphy recused (panelist):              08 Sep 2008 00:38:55 GMT
> Assigned to root (panelist):            (as of this message)
> Assigned to woggle (panelist):          (as of this message)
> Assigned to Wooble (panelist):          (as of this message)
> ========================================================================
> Appellant tusho's Arguments:
> I appeal the question of my culpability on the judgement of CFJ 2082.
> This is an utterly preposterous judgement, as I was assisting in Goethe's
> demonstration that failing speech acts were not illegal. It was not a threat
> in any shape or form.

I intend to send the following message on behalf of the panel in CFJ
2082a (with the support of my fellow panelists or a fellow panelist
and the CotC):
Whether the statement in question was a threat is irrelevant to the
issue of culpability. (It is relevant to the sentence, but that is not
under appeal here.) As no arguments have been presented for why (in
spite of the judge's determination) tusho might have believed that
'[tusho] kills Goethe' was a true statement when e made it, there's no
serious reason to question the verdict on culpability.

Therefore, this panel judges CFJ 2082a AFFIRM.


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