On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Ian Kelly wrote:
> One thing I'd like to see happen this time is to have contract-defined
> cards available right from the get-go.  Contracts should not share the
> same Deck and Dealor, however, so these concepts should be
> generalized.

Hm, how's this for a generic card description:

    A Set of Cards is a set of defined currency classes (card types)
    which are defined by a backing document as being part of a 
    particular Deck defined in the same backing document.  A single 
    Card is an instance of one of the classes.  

    The recordkeepor of a Deck, as defined by its backing document, 
    is the recordkeepor for all card classes that are part of that 

    The recordkeepor of a Deck generally CAN perform actions on 
    behalf of that Deck by announcement as allowed by its backing
    document.  To Deal a card from a particular deck to an entity is 
    to select a card from its deck and transfer it to the entity.
    If the method of selection is not further specified, it is 
    random among all cards currently in the possession of that 
    deck.  To Reshuffle a Deck is to return all card instances of 
    a particular deck to the Deck.

[Any better generalizations?  Any other useful generalizations?]


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