Sgeo wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Ed Murphy <> wrote:
>> I retract the previous version of this proposal.
>> Proposal:  Decriminalize restricted actions
>> (AI = 3, please)
>> Amend Rule 2125 (Regulation Regulations) by replacing this text:
>>      d) The rules explicitly state that it MAY be performed while
>>         certain conditions are satisfied.  Such an action MAY NOT be
>>         performed except as allowed by the rules.
>> with this text:
>>      d) The rules explicitly state that it MAY be performed while
>>         certain conditions are satisfied.  Except as allowed by the
>>         rules, performing such an action is the Class-N Crime of
>>         Restricted Behavior, where N is the maximum power of the
>>         rules explicitly allowing it (rounded up as needed to
>>         become a valid Class of Crime).
> .....So if we MAY do it, we may not do it?
E's just changing it so that the penalty is the same power as the rule
allowing it, rather than using R2125's power.

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