On Sat, 2009-05-02 at 09:39 -0700, Ed Murphy wrote:
> [Summary:  Each active non-scamster gets a bogus Rest, then the
> scamsters take turns being the sole active Rest-free player for
> Win by Solitude, then the bogus Rests are destroyed.]

Because scams involving the judicial system are often seen as damaging
to a nomic, I'd like to explain my opinions on this in more detail.

The CFJ system of a nomic is useful, and very important, for
establishing what is true about the gamestate. If an inquiry CFJ finds
that something is true, people generally play based on that assumption;
if it's forced to the wrong result by bribery or by something less
sinister, we all end up playing a gamestate other than the actually
correct one, which is a disaster all round.

As long as the inquiry CFJ system is kept separate from the gamestate,
there's no real incentive to scam it, which is useful; having
side-effects in a CFJ would mix the issues of discovering what's true,
and of gaining an advantage. This might lead to people scamming CFJs for
personal gain, leaving the record confused.

The criminal CFJ system in Agora has a lot of side effects; its purpose
is not so much to determine what happened. (In fact, people have called
inquiry cases rather than criminal cases in the past when there's an
actual controversy to resolve, other than the usual wrangling over
sentencing.) This makes it rather a target for scammers, so its results
can't be trusted too much anyway.

So what did we do in order to make absolutely sure that this scam didn't
adversely affect gamestate? We undid the effects via the appeals court.
The verdicts in the appeals are correct, as far as I know; all the
effects other than the immediate benefit of the scam (the win) are
undone; and the record, when looking at the CFJ, will show OVERRULED to
NOT GUILTY, which is correct. Therefore, I hope the effects of this scam
are thoroughly isolated from the judicial system, and won't have undue
side effects beyond it. I'm also pretty sure they won't mislead anyone
as to what the true gamestate is, the way scams like Lindrum World or
judicial bribery might.


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