Goethe wrote:

> R101 says you can publish text.  It doesn't say anything about what the
> legal effect of doing so can or can't be.  For example, you can publish 
> all the text of a Proposal Distribution, but it's not a Proposal 
> Distribution unless you're the Promotor.  Similarly, R101 says you can
> publish the contents of an NoV, that doesn't mean it is one.  Therefore
> you're R101/R478 argument isn't particularly meaningful.

This seems like another facet of ISIDTID.  Which, come to think of it,
should really be addressed explicitly by Rule 478, e.g.

      A public message claiming that one performs a game-defined action
      is not generally effective, but must be specifically enabled, e.g.
      by a rule stating that one CAN perform it by announcement.

      A public message claiming to be a game-defined entity (e.g. a
      distribution of proposals) is not generally that entity, but must
      match the circumstances defined for that entity (e.g. being sent
      by the Promotor).

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