On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 11:37 -0500, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> Alex Smith wrote:
> > Also, the text above was "accusing"; IMO, you can
> > accuse someone of doing something without stating that they've actually
> > done it. (False accusations have been rather common in history; and it's
> > well known that an accusation is not proof.)
> A false accusation is simply lying that they've done it. You should
> stick to the "didn't allege, just stated that it had been alleged by an
> unspecified alleger" defense.

I'm getting confused now, in that the contract didn't obviously match
the action in question. But yes, in fact it wasn't just an unspecified
alleger (I had made the allegations, just in private email where they
were unambiguously legal).


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