On Wed, 2009-06-03 at 22:31 -0500, Kyle Marek-Spartz wrote:
> Can non-players get crim CFJs? What if players committed crimes prior
> to eir registration? If "you" were a second-class person, would its
> parties be liable?
> Kyle Marek-Spartz - KDØGTK

Non-players /can/ be crimmed, but it's very hard to get a conviction,
even if you did nearly all judges would give no punishment, and even if
a punishment were given, it would be rather ineffective. (Criminal
punishments on non-players generally translate to Fugitive Rests, which
can block registration; so they do do something.)

Also, I'm surprised nobody mentioned CFJ 2003 yet.
(<http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2003>, for the
benefit of the players who have just joined and might not know how to
look up historical CFJs yet.)


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