On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 14:35, Pavitra<celestialcognit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ais523 wrote:
>> On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 14:27 -0600, Roger Hicks wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 13:16, C-walker<charles.w.wal...@googlemail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> > So if I hold two II 3 offices and complete all of their duties, I get
>>> > only 3 cards, and if I have an office for which I complete no duties
>>> > whatsoever, I am still rewarded?
>>> Yes, I intended this to work this way. By only rewarding the top
>>> office among offices held it has the by-product of spreading the
>>> offices around among more players. It also keeps from making one
>>> player too powerful simply because e holds a few key offices. And
>>> non-performing officers already tend to be replaced rather quickly.
>>> Why bog down the rules with special provisions to deny them salary? If
>>> they are not doing their job then vote them out!
>> FWIW, this is why I haven't taken Greetor. I'm already doing one office
>> (Ambassador) unpaid due to having a higher-II office with the same
>> priority already (IIRC Cards has changed that, but I'm having problems
>> trying to keep track of that).
> Maybe it would be better not to have an a priori prejudice against
> several offices being held by one player, but let the voters decide how
> they want to distribute the responsibilities.
> It has been said that there is no form of market failure so bad that
> government intervention will not eventually prove even worse. This may
> be a case of that principle at work.
Tell that to Obama....

I'm leaving my proposal as is (v3), but I'm not opposed to someone
proposing a change to reward all offices a player holds.


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