On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 16:00, Elliott
Hird<penguinoftheg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2009/7/30 Roger Hicks <pidge...@gmail.com>:
>> False. Obama published it, not the state of Hawaii. Its not a birth
>> certificate but a Certificate of Live Birth (confusing name, but
>> different document), issued (at the time) by Hawaii to infants as old
>> as a year. No hospital or attending physician, and possibly even a
>> forgery. But who cares about the truth? He's a great guy....hope and
>> change and all that other nice stuff.
> I really tried not to respond to this message. I truly did. Apologies
> to all of you who are here to, say, play nomic — I must indulge, as it
> were, for the duration of an email. Feel free to ignore.
> --Cut on the dotted line--
>> Obama published it, not the state of Hawaii.
> And then, the state of Hawaii confirmed it.[1]
>> possibly even a forgery.
> See [1] and [2].
>> He's a great guy....hope and change and all that other nice stuff.
> Nice sarcasm, but I strongly disagree with basically everything he's
> done. From the rest of the world, even in the near-police-state
> Britain, your political system is hilarious: you get to choose between
> far-right or slightly further right.
I'm fairly certain most of the world would classify Obama as
far-left....and I think Reagan was the last far-right president (or
serious contender). I will concur that our political system is

> That doesn't change the fact that conspiracy theories are. It's like
> claiming that Belgium doesn't exist[3]: trivially falsifiable and with
> no justification; just random assertion. Can't you right-wingers
> attack the policies instead?
> 1. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090728/ap_on_re_us/us_obama_birth_certificate
> 2. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp

I hardly consider snopes.com an objective source. And I think it's
somewhat odd that Hawaii can't just release the document and put the
matter to rest.


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