(Ignore this too; I clearly have terrible self-control.)

2009/7/30 Pavitra <celestialcognit...@gmail.com>:
> And a link here.

Oops: http://zapatopi.net/belgium/

2009/7/30 Roger Hicks <pidge...@gmail.com>:
> I'm fairly certain most of the world would classify Obama as
> far-left

That would be possibly the most ridiculous use of the word "far-left"
in history yet. Besides… Europe, anyone? Really, it's only in the US
that Obama is considered far-left.

> I hardly consider snopes.com an objective source.

Yes; clearly they doctored the photo from the newspaper and hacked
Yahoo's website to put the story there…? Besides, there's always the
Yahoo link.

> And I think it's somewhat odd that Hawaii can't just release the document and 
> put the matter to rest.

The state officials confirmed it. Any more would be simply
superfluous; are you really suggesting your country should spend time
rebutting fringe conspiracy theorists *twice*?

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