On Tue, 8 Sep 2009, ais523 wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 18:15 -0600, Roger Hicks wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 17:11, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 5 Sep 2009, comex wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 4:50 PM, ais523<callforjudgem...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> Obviously this would be a socially unacceptable scam, but would it work?
>>>>>> The only flaw I can see is that a judge might be persuaded to allow
>>>>>> separate criminal penalties for each illegal draw, but historically that
>>>>>> hasn't been how we've generally treated bulk crimes.
>>> Just recently.  At least a few cases in the past where N crimes led to
>>> N punishments.  Here, lately, we haven't cared enough and the net punishment
>>> was reasonable.  If someone truly profits from N illegal actions it's likely
>>> that N cases would be brought.  As an example, if coppro had actually
>>> profited from eir illegal draws last month, I would have methodically done
>>> em for each one.  (As it was, e failed, so stopping a little beyond the
>>> equitable level + wrist slap seemed ok).
>> You may have tried, but you likely would have only been able to ding
>> him for 2 or 3 violations (short of a proposal to inflict penalties
>> for all) due to the scaling support of NOVs, a case in point for
>> eliminating scaling support.
> The number of NoVs possible would scale with the square of the number of
> people who were trying; and could be repeated every week. As a result,
> the total number of possible penalties would get very large very
> quickly.

Agreed.  IIRC you (BobTHJ) and I did 4 the first week; four per week gets 
us there in plenty of time.  With the added feature that if the sum turns 
out to be too many (because for example the scam failed and no harm was 
done and profits were destroyed) the pacing gives people time to think 
about it.  Not only that, but for the absolv-o-matic question that brought
this up, the player would have to hold onto the cards for a while (against
hand limits, card plays, whatnot) which just makes it harder.  -G.

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