On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 13:36 -0700, Charles Reiss wrote:
> On 9/15/09 1:49 AM, ais523 wrote:
> > Some scams work better when they're kept secret; however, some are
> > better when people know they're scams in advance. This message contains
> > at least 3 scam attempts; some I think are unlikely to work, some I
> > think are considerably more likely. (Further hints: at least one depends
> > on the newly-amended wording of rule 2124; exactly one depends on the
> > mysterious proposal 6455.)
> > 
> > Note that although there are a lot of intents here (in abbreviated
> > form), I don't think it would be impossible to write them out in full,
> > although it would spam the lists somewhat. If anyone really insists, I
> > will write them out in full and spam the list as a result.
> > 
> > For each public contract (see the list at
> > <http://agora-notary.wikidot.com/system:page-tags/tag/public>), I
> > intend, without objection; I intend, without member objection; and I
> > intend, without 3 objections; to replace its entire text with the
> > following:
> Notice of violation: ais523 violated rule 1742 by failing to act in
> accordance with the PerlNomic Partnership contract by attempting to
> modify it other than by the proposal mechanism.

I contest this; intending to modify it is not attempting to modify it.
There are certain contracts (such as Enigma, the PNP, and the IBA) which
I don't plan to touch at all with this scam, for ethical reasons.


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