On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> I've been waiting for this one to come up.  Regardless of the judgement
> this is prime place for a legislative clarification.  -G.

Rule 2127 only applies to the option selected by a particular ballot,
so to allow for an indefinite increase in voting limit in the future
you'd have to cast an infinite number of conditional ballots; since
that's impossible, I think a much more plausible interpretation is
that it's the voting limit at the time.  (When I wrote the rule text,
I considered specifying that it equals 1,000 votes or something like
that, but decided that was too ugly and left it as is; I suppose a
better solution would be allowing conditional votes to specify a
conditional number, although that has the side-effect of allowing
votes of the form "AGAINST if it would reach quorum even without this
vote, no vote otherwise", which probably aren't possible right now..)

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