On Sun, 25 Jul 2010, ais523 wrote:

> On Sun, 2010-07-25 at 17:35 -0400, comex wrote:
> > >    If a court case arises with respect to the conduct of the contest
> > >    or the application and interpretation of its instructions, the
> > >    courts SHOULD give primacy of interpretation to the contestmaster's
> > >    interpretations, SHOULD judge UNDETERMINED if the contestmaster
> > >    has not been given a fair chance to suggest a resolution, and
> > >    SHOULD only find against the contestmaster if e is found to be
> > >    acting with arbitrary and capricious disregard for the Contest's
> > >    instructions and/or spirit.
> > 
> > I bet ais523 will complain that this only affects how judges SHOULD
> > judge and not the interpretation of the rules under normal
> > circumstances.
> Good catch. A rule that encourages incorrect judgements is a rather bad
> thing.

How about something like "To be appropriate, such a judgement (as long as it 
involves interpretation of contest instructions and does not conflict with 
the rules) must take into account a contestmaster's interpretations..."

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