On 4 August 2010 10:55, Jonatan Kilhamn <jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First off, the story of the wild asteroid: it was created just before
> midnight on a saturday. Before the day was over, ais523 had pushed the
> Turbo button. The start of the next day, all Shuttle actions were
> performed, meaning the Shuttle Turbo'd past the asteroid. (also before
> midnight Yally had pushed the Record the Captain's Log button, taking
> all other systems offline, but buttons are resolved in the order they
> are pushed.

Okay, I messed up with the weekdays; the asteroid was created on a
sunday evening. However, the new day procedure as outlined in 2301
starts with the shuttle's actions before saying "If the day began a
new week, each object is moved according to it's delta". So
regardless, the shuttle teleported past the asteroid before it moved
one step forward.


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