On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 19:42 -0600, Sean Hunt wrote:
> Hmm... I will start the Decision to award a degree after a brief period 
> for discussion.
> I notice a few minor errors, which is reasonable but I think it would 
> have reflected better on the quality had you submitted it for review first.
> Most significant is comex's alleged win by Clout, which the Herald's 
> records do not contain, and which I personally recall never occurred. 
> While I don't have the time to search through the archives myself, is 
> there any indication that comex actually won there?

Looking through the archives, I couldn't see any indication that e
didn't win. There were something like three attempts made; and it's
unclear from the sequence of messages what exactly happened; Yally
attempted to block, but I think CFJ 2767 found that comex's second
attempt worked before Yally could block it.

On the other hand, the Herald (comex at the time) forgot to actually
announce the win, for whatever reason; perhaps e was waiting for the
result of the CFJ and then forgot it was relevant.


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