On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 11:55 +0100, ais523 wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 19:42 -0600, Sean Hunt wrote:
> > Hmm... I will start the Decision to award a degree after a brief period 
> > for discussion.
> > 
> > I notice a few minor errors, which is reasonable but I think it would 
> > have reflected better on the quality had you submitted it for review first.
> > 
> > Most significant is comex's alleged win by Clout, which the Herald's 
> > records do not contain, and which I personally recall never occurred. 
> > While I don't have the time to search through the archives myself, is 
> > there any indication that comex actually won there?
> Looking through the archives, I couldn't see any indication that e
> didn't win. There were something like three attempts made; and it's
> unclear from the sequence of messages what exactly happened; Yally
> attempted to block, but I think CFJ 2767 found that comex's second
> attempt worked before Yally could block it.
> On the other hand, the Herald (comex at the time) forgot to actually
> announce the win, for whatever reason; perhaps e was waiting for the
> result of the CFJ and then forgot it was relevant.

Come to think of it, Agora could really do with BlogNomic-style
declarations of victory. (In BlogNomic, everyone votes on whether a win
actually happened or not, and then that status is immediately ratified.)
I don't think the wins from the do-not-publicly-acknowledge proposal
have been processed yet, even though IIRC a CFJ found they happened.


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