On Sat, 2010-08-14 at 20:31 -0700, Ed Murphy wrote:
> coppro wrote:
> > I hereby initiate the Agoran decision, for which the Herald is vote 
> > collector, to decide on the degree, if any, to be awarded to ais523 for 
> > eir thesis, "A History of Agoran Wins, 2009-Present".
> > 
> > The available options are FAILING GRADE, Associate of Nomic, Bachelor of 
> > Nomic, Doctor of Nomic History, Doctor of Nomic Science, and Doctor of 
> > Nomic Philosophy. A vote for one degree also is effectively a vote for 
> > every lesser dgree; the highest degree with 50% or more of votes will be 
> > awarded to ais523 at the conclusion of the voting period, one week from now.
> > 
> > Each player currently active is eligible to vote, and their voting limit 
> > is one plus one for each degree earned.
> CoE:  Master of Nomic is also an available option.

You can't get the same degree twice. (I have no idea why.)


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