On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> gamestate thus isn't affected. Thus, I submit the following proposal
> "Fix ratification" at AI 3, II 1, and pay a fee of 1 erg to make it
> distributable:

Can you please resubmit this at II-0 and make it distributable for
free?  At the time "minimally" was added, ergs did not exist, and I
don't want to figure out whether the failure of any purported
ratifications since then made this fail.

(Note: The ruleset incorrectly listed the proposal that created ergs
as having taken effect one year before it did; I've fixed it.)

Do you have an opinion on whether ratification failed before
"minimally" ineffective?

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