On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, ais523 wrote:
> Incidentally, the proposals in question weren't meant to be immune to
> dictator, according to IRC disccusion; they were just meant to clear the
> dictatorship out from the ruleset given the apparent inactivity of the
> dictator. (A classic case of a race condition...)

Ah, I didn't realize it was sparked by my previous lack of activity.  
Well, now that I'm active I'll, er, play nice.

> Actually removing a dictatorship by proposal is, I fear, basically
> impossible, especially if the dictatorship is at power 3, except if the
> dictator is not paying attention, or doesn't mind it being removed.

At power-3, I agree, obviously, that it's trivial for the dictator to
stay in power.  At power-1 it's more interesting and I'm looking whether
it's interesting enough to play the game :).

By the way, I'm pretty sure that the language as is doesn't give me
a Junta unless I make other gamestate changes (don't know if that was
by design or accidental).  Does anyone think I *do* currently satisfy a 
Junta win?


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