On Fri, 3 Jun 2011, Charles Walker wrote:
> > take effect
> > 1. To become operative, as under law or regulation.
> > 2. To produce the desired reaction.

H. Rulekeepor omd,

Is it possible to search all 13K versions of your rules at once? The 
following text is in R594/3 in the oldest FLR in the archives, and the 
text was added by Proposal 4329 (9 June 2002).  I'm trying to find if 
it was wholly created then or condensed from a previous differently-
numbered rule that existed pre-June 2002:
       When a Proposal takes effect, its Power shall be set equal to
       its Adoption Index, and the provisions contained in the text of
       the Proposal are implemented to the maximal extent permitted by
       the Rules.
(The explicit definition of "take effect" as "provisions implemented" 
was removed when this paragraph was moved to R106 by Proposal 4811, 
20 June 2005).


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