scshunt wrote:

>> 4) Roles:
>>     a) The Order of Play is an ordered list of all Farmers. New Farmers
>>        are added to the bottom. At the beginning of each week, the
>>        Farmer at the top moves to the bottom.
> No way to alter this?

Not yet, but it /is/ effectively a charter nomic, so...

>>     b) Each week, the top three Farmers CAN and SHALL (in order, without
>>        repetition among that week's selections) specify exactly one role
> Does this mean that inactivity on the part of the first Farmer freezes 
> the contest for an entire week?

Covered by 5b, as you later noted.

> Also, it seems a little be disingenuous 
> to put the same player at the top three weeks in a row - being up there 
> is a /huge/ advantage. It would be nice to come up with a better 
> rotation system.

Given the larger number of players, yeah, 4a's rotation should probably
happen 3 times (with special cases if there are less than 6 Farmers).

>>     c) Planter is a role. While it is in play, the VPoA CAN and SHALL
>>        create one Ranch (and a second for the privileged Farmer) in each
>>        Farmer's possession, each with a random number.
>>     d) Producer is a role. While it is in play, each Ranch produces (and
>>        the privileged Farmer CAN once cause one of eir specifie Ranches
>>        to produce again).
>>     e) Writer is a role. While it is in play, each Farmer CAN harvest
>>        the ID number of a proposal in its voting period to gain 1 Flax
>>        per digit (the privileged Farmer gains 1 more from eir first
>>        harvest).
>>     f) Lawyer is a role. While it is in play, each Farmer CAN harvest
>>        the ID number of a CFJ initiated within the past week to gain
>>        1 Flax per digit (the privileged Farmer gains 1 more from eir
>>        first harvest).
>>     g) Surveyor is a role. While it is in play, each Farmer CAN harvest
>>        the ID number of a rule created, amended or repealed within the
>>        past week to gain 1 Flax per digit (the privileged Farmer gains
>>        1 more from eir first harvest).
>>     h) Renaissance Man is a role. While it is in play, each Farmer CAN
>>        harvest the number 1234567890 to gain 10 Flax (the privileged
>>        Farmer gains 4 more).
> Using 'while' here seems bad; the VPoA is, for instance, constantly 
> required throughout the entire week to be awarding an infinite number of 
> Ranches (but twice that many to the privileged farmer?)

Okay, 4c should be cleaned up, 4d should be "When it comes into play",
the others are intended to allow repetition.

>> 5) Equity:
>>     a) Upon a judicial finding that a proposal or CFJ was created
>>        for the clear and primary purpose of Harvesting the ID number
>>        assigned to it, the VPoA CAN and SHALL adjust the holdings of
>>        assets backed by this contest as specified by that finding, or
>>        otherwise as e sees fit. A Farmer SHALL NOT so create.
> SHALL NOT so create a proposal or CFJ?


>>     b) If a Farmer has not specified a role within one day of it being
>>        eir turn to do so, the VPoA CAN and SHALL cause em to specify a
>>        random role from among the valid choices.
> Oh. I see. A clause here to ensure three roles a week would be good.

Covered by "without repetition" in 4b.

Also, I missed defining a bonus for each role; starts at zero,
increases by one each time the role goes unselected, pays out in Flax
and resets when the role does get selected, also resets when the contest
is won.

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