scshunt wrote:

> On 11-06-05 05:47 PM, Ed Murphy wrote:
>>>>      b) If a Farmer has not specified a role within one day of it being
>>>>         eir turn to do so, the VPoA CAN and SHALL cause em to specify a
>>>>         random role from among the valid choices.
>>> Oh. I see. A clause here to ensure three roles a week would be good.
>> Covered by "without repetition" in 4b.
> I meant that if the VPoA and the players are late and don't get three 
> roles selected by the end of the week, there needs to be some sort of 
> thought to that scenario, especially given the lack of a time limit on 
> the VPoA.

Maybe allow any Farmer to perform random selections by announcement
if the process drags into the last three days of the week.

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