On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 21:41, Pavitra <celestialcognit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/10/2011 11:24 PM, Sean Hunt wrote:
>> I destroy my copy of this Promise.
> I'm not sure this actually works. I vaguely remember an attempt to fix
> this problem with legislation, which I think passed, but...
> R2166 (power 2):
>      An asset generally CAN be destroyed by its owner by
>      announcement
> R2337 (power 3):
>      Creating and cashing promises is secured with power threshold 3;
>      any other modifications to promise holdings are secured with
>      power threshold 2.
> 2166 alone implies you can destroy a promise you hold. 2337 alone
> implies you can't.
> R1030 puts rule power at higher precedence than
>        If all of the Rules in conflict explicitly say that their
>        precedence relations are determined by some other Rule for
>        determining precedence relations
> which implies that R2337's attempt to only secure at power 2 basically
> doesn't work.

No, "secured with power 2" means "cannot be done except as allowed by
rules with power 2 or greater." This creates no conflict, so
precedence is irrelevant.

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