Tanner L. Swett wrote:

> For multiple reasons, this may not work, but...
> I intend to have Arkady English create the following promise and
> transfer it to me: "Text: I perform the action specified by the
> cashier. Conditions for non-destruction: 0 = 0."
> Now, suppose I intend for my nephew to clean his room. It wouldn't
> make any sense for him to say, "Well, I support your intent, but I'm
> still not going to do it". The only reasonable way for him to support
> my intent would be to actually carry it out, right? In particular, if
> he supports the intent "as specified", and I specify that he cleans is
> room, that means he actually cleans his room.
> I create a promise with the condition "e = pi" and the text "If I have
> supported or objected to an action, I retract my support or objection
> for an action. I support or object the action as specified by the
> casher. This support/objection may not be withdrawn. OR I withdraw any
> votes I have made on a specified proposal, and use all my votes in the
> manner specified by the casher. These votes may not be withdrawn."
> I cash the promise Arkady English transferred to me about two hours
> ago, specifying that he support the intent I created above, by
> carrying it out. I then destroy the promise I created in the previous
> paragraph.
> I cash the promise Arkady English created just now, specifying the
> following action: calling a CFJ on the statement "I am Arkady
> English". If Arkady English did not just now call a CFJ on the
> statement "I am Arkady English", then I call a CFJ on that statement.
> I submit this entire message as evidence in the CFJ called in the
> above paragraph.
> —Tanner L. Swett


Arkady English's vote-swap promises clearly invoked the context of
dependent actions.  If Tanner's intent is interpreted as an intent to
perform a dependent action ("I intend to cause Arkady English to
create" etc.), then it fails because it didn't specify a method as
required by R1728(a), and also because "support" is implicitly defined
by R2124.

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