On Wed, 2011-10-26 at 11:45 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> Spelunking the Rules picks for Delve 4
>    33 selects Rule 2335 (Judge Points)
>    87 selects Rule 2205 (Judicial Arguments and Evidence)
>    37 selects Rule 2338 (Cashing Promises)

Hmm, if this is selecting 2335, this seems like a good moment for my
economy suggestion. I don't think we've done anything quite like this
before. This probably needs a bunch of review before it's ready to
become a rule, so here we go, showing the idea not the details:

Repeal whatever parts of the points-based economy we don't want.
Probably all of it.

Create a new rule "Secrets":
A Secret is a sort of asset, with the Know-It-All as the recordkeepor.
Secrets have a type, which is a string of characters, and Secrets of the
same type are fungible. The creation, destruction and transfer of
Secrets is secured (at power 2? 1.5? What do we normally do for
widely-used economic assets?).

Whenever a player transfers a Secret to another player, e gains another
Secret of the same type. Whenever a player voluntarily destroys a
Secret, all Secrets of the same type (no matter who owns them) are
destroyed. If a Player ever owns more than one Secret of the same type,
all but one are automatically destroyed.
[The basic idea. Secrets can be shared without losing them yourself, but
the more widely distributed a Secret is, the less valuable it is, both
due to being unique and due to being more easily destroyed. Having
multiple copies of a Secret is useless (and easily achieved without a
clause to block it), so they're collapsed into one automatically.]

Whenever a player "earns a Secret", e may award emself a Secret of any
type that does not currently exist.

Define Know-It-All in the standard way for an asset recordkeepor

Then add/amend rules to govern the earning of Secrets: I'd suggest 1 for
passed proposal, 1 for on-time office report (at most 1 per office per
week), 1 for judgements (at most 1 per player per week).

We'd also need a use for these. I'd suggest that players can perform one
Secret Action per week, with such actions having a prerequisite in
unique secrets; e.g. if you know 50 different sorts of Secret, you
could, say, win the game, whereas knowing only 10 different sorts of
Secret merely let you increase your voting limit on a proposal (and you
can only perform one of those actions per week). For it to work
properly, Secrets should also automatically be destroyed after a while;
the most obvious way to do this is a cap on the number of types of
Secret that can exist at any given moment (with the oldest type of
Secret destroyed to make way for newer ones).

Suggestions? Feedback? Other Secret Actions? Wording improvements to
flesh this out into a proper proposal?


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