On Mon, 1 Apr 2013, Wes Contreras wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> > If we don't want them in general, we'd need to make sure that the
> > rules explicitly forbid anyone but a first-class person from being
> > defined as a person.
> We find the concept of Second-Class Persons to be useful, and agree
> that Player-hood should be restricted to First-Class Persons. It's
> only Second-Class Players that we find baffling, and that create
> seemingly unnecessary complications in the Rules. The history makes
> sense, and it was probably necessary at the time, but the tighter
> definition of person-hood would seem to address the same potential
> problems in a more elegant way. No reason to have two solutions for
> the same problem, after all. At least not when one of them makes our
> brain hurt.

You'll get no arguments from me on this score.

I think the "second-class player" stayed around because, when the
CFJ found that a second-class person could register, many first-class
players (naturally!) rushed and formed partnerships so they that
everyone could have a puppet or three - balance of power, you know.  
Having got our new toys, we (collectively) wanted to play with them 
for a while instead of outright banning them.  Of course, one by one 
more restrictions were put on second-class players (can't Support/Object, 
can't Judge, limited registration rights, can't vote...) until now 
they're fairly useless IMO.

Slave golems have been used for ownership scams, criminal scams, and
currency scams.  Anything genuinely "useful" in there?


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